Fat Transfer

Fat transfer, or fat grafting and injections, is a procedure that takes fat from unwanted areas, such as outer thighs or abdomen, and transfers it to areas that have lost their plumpness, like face, hands, breasts or buttocks.

When to consider fat transfer options:

  • The appearance of sunken or creased facial features
  • Desire for more long-lasting results than temporary fillers
  • To improve and rejuvenate body contour, scars and other bodily depressions
  • For breast reconstruction; fills-in contours and hides obvious signs of implants

Ideal candidates for fat transfer procedures should not have any circulation issues and should be non-smokers.

A consultation with a member of the Esteem team will help determine best options based on several factors:

  • personal goals
  • desired downtime and recovery
  • body type and physical characteristics


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